Horse Powered Reading

What is Horse Powered Reading?

Horse Powered Reading® integrates social-emotional learning with academics; thus allowing students to experience reading with their entire mind, body and emotions by creating metaphors for the skills involved in reading.

Students interact with horses from the ground, while using toys and props to identify obstacles and learn the five critical reading skills - phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

* Session goals vary depending upon the needs of the individual or group

Social-emotional issues, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns often get in the way of student learning.

Powering through challenges

Horse Powered Reading® focuses on the learning process for the individual and builds upon children’s natural curiosity and determination.

During sessions, students are allowed to make discoveries and experiment with knowledge firsthand.

Our facilitators are trained to see what tools (toys and props) the child uses to choose and connect with their book (horse) and how that connection is made.

The interaction between client and horse gives the facilitator insight into what the client is experiencing inside and what patterns are working or not working for them. That interplay allows for profound learning to take place.

Through this process, the horse creates an opportunity for immediate feedback and experiential learning to take place. 

During sessions, students are given the opportunity to…

  • Issues affecting learning are identified and made visible by the client, through the use of obstacles (toys and props), which symbolize stumbling blocks that get in the way of understanding.

  • Memory retention and recall improve dramatically when movement anchors learning.

    Issues getting in the way of academic and social emotional growth are addressed by our expert team in the moment.

  • Students are allowed to choose their own horse to work with, just as they would choose a book to read.

    Students are then given an opportunity to connect with their chosen “book”.

  • Sessions allow students a chance to reflect on what they are experiencing and provide an opportunity to create new patterns of learning in a supported environment.